

Under Alta Caelis label, the Musica Sacra in Ecclesia series was initiated as a mean to propose a testimony and to rediscover religious music as it has been sung for decades in churches throughout Quebec and particularly at the Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec. Centered on two major periods of the liturgical calendar, Ascensionis Domini and Immaculata Conceptio, this primum opus presents Alleluia, Offertory and Communion in Gregorian as well as Latin polyphonic motets for four male voices and a few organ pieces recorded for the occasion in the Basilica itself by the titular organist, Marc d’Anjou.

Musica Sacra in Ecclesia

Photo : Marie Laliberté – Le Verbe médias

Musica Sacra in Ecclesia

Photo : Marie Laliberté – Le Verbe médias

Under the direction of Jean-Claude Picard, who directed the Men’s Choir of the Notre-Dame de Québec Basilica-Cathedral for many years, a vocal ensemble of eight professional singers was formed to make this original recording to perpetuate the beauty and promote the sacred art of Gregorian chant and great polyphonies inspired by faith.

A new label specializing in the rediscovery and promotion of forgotten musical treasures.


Dir. Jean-Claude Picard

Musica Sacra in Ecclesia

Photo : Fond-Daniel Abel



VOCES DOMINI is a new ensemble founded expressly for the production of the primum opus of the album Musica Sacra in Ecclesia. Its members have all already worked in various large liturgical choirs such as Les chanteurs de St-cœur de Marie and/or the Chœur du chapitre métropolitain de Québec and several other large ensembles including the choir of the Orchestre Symphonique de Québec, the Ensemble de musique sacrée de Québec, etc.

They are all professionals with both solid musical training and extensive experience in Gregorian chants and acapella polyphonic chants. At the invitation of conductor Jean-Claude Picard, these eight singers all eagerly accepted at the sole idea of singing again the grandeur of this unique heritage repertoire, imbued with great piety and which deserves to be rediscovered and sung everywhere, in all Churches.

The 2 organs of the Notre-Dame Basilica of Quebec

Casavant has just completed a major reconstruction of the Casavant organ at the Notre-Dame Cathedral-Basilica of Quebec City. The organ was blessed on Sunday, June 5, 2022 by the Archbishop of Quebec City, Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix.

It was before a large and enthusiastic audience that Mr. Marc d’Anjou, organist of the Basilica-Cathedral, gave the magnificent inaugural recital on Sunday, July 3, 2022, the anniversary of Quebec City. As part of the Quebec Organ Competition, music lovers were also able to hear organist David Briggs on June 11, 2022.

Musica Sacra in Ecclesia | Marc D’Anjou
Marc D’Anjou | Organist

Photo : Fond – Daniel Abel

Gallery Organ

Casavant, Opus 1217, 1927 / Cavelier 1974 / Guilbault-Thérien, 1983 / Casavant, 2022
  • 4 manuals and pedal
  • 103 stops, 91 ranks
  • Electro-pneumatic action

Chancel Organ

Casavant, Opus 1049, 1924 / Létourneau, 2015
  • 2 manuals and pedal
  • 31 stops, 27 ranks
  • Electro-pneumatic action


Recording, sound recording, production and sound effects
Mathieu Laprise - Sonomax Studios inc

Website and social media cover graphics, photographs, etc.
Marie-Josée Houde – ImagineMJ.com
WDI.Solutions – Website
Jose Eduardo Proano Egas – Spanish translation of the texts
Daniel Abel Fund – Images of the Notre Dame Basilica of Quebec and the organist Marc d’Anjou
Jean Philippe Rivard | Les Agencs – Photos of the singers

Thanks to the Fabrique Notre Dame de Québec and the Fondation patrimoniale Nostre-Dame-de-Kébec
For believing in the project, their financial support and for the remuneration of the singers during the launch.

Sincere thanks to Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec
For presiding over the mass to launch the album and to the rector of the Quebec Cathedral Basilica, Monsignor Jean Piché, for allowing us to hold the event there and for promoting it.

The creation of the album Musica Sacra in Ecclesia is an original initiative of Jean-Claude Picard and Frédéric Corneau.
We extend our sincere thanks to the singers for their time, concentration and commitment in the production of this high-quality sacred album.